You will now learn how to establish a connection between your QuarkXPress document and an external database. This process only needs to be performed once for any document, although one of the powerful features of PriceIt is that its connections can be altered as often as you require.
PriceIt accesses external databases or speadsheets through a powerful application called LinkDB. In actual operation you would use LinkDB to convert your ASCII database file into a LinkDB file. PriceIt uses LinkDB files for two reasons. Firstly although ASCII is a universal data format there are infact many different varieties. LinkDB takes any type of ASCII file and converts it into a standard format. Also ASCII is not an indexed file format which means that as a data source it is very slow. LinkDB files are designed as a file format for fast data access and hence this is the format used by PriceIt.
The demo version does not come with a copy of LinkDB, so you are restricted to working with the LinkDB files supplied with this demo.
So lets configure the connections to the database now.
1. Select Configure Links from the PriceIt menu
2. Press the Select Database button located towards the bottom of the dialogue
3. Locate the Price List Demo Folder and double-click or Open the PriceIt Demo Data.txt.LNK.DB file
4. Select Price from the list of fields on the left of the dialogue
You are now going to connect the Price field in QuarkXPress to the Price field in the database
5. Click on the popup menu to the right of the Select Field label at the bottom of the dialogue.
A list of available fields from the chosen database are displayed.
6. Select the matching field, in this case Price. You will observe that the linked to section at the top of the screen displays the database description and field name you have just linked to.
7. Type in a £ (or $ or your own currency) under Prefix, to indeicate monetary units.
8. In the Absent Box type the words £DEMO
This configures PriceIt to insert the words £DEMO should a field not be found in the database.
9. Now repeat steps 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 for the other fields in the list, choosing Quantity Break and Quantity Price. You obviously won't need monetary units for Quantity Break but you will for Quantity Price.
You are now ready to see the power of PriceIt updating information on the QuarkXPress page you have just prepared.